Shagayu Building Department

Shagayu Building Department

  Shagayu building department have been approved to conduct high-quality building works for large-scale projects and industrial clients. Their expertise in the field has earned them a reputation for excellence, and their team of skilled professionals is committed to delivering outstanding results. With a focus on safety, efficiency, and innovation, they have the experience and capabilities to tackle even the most complex construction challenges. Trustworthy, reliable, and dedicated, this company is the ideal partner for any major building project in Tanzania.

Services we offer through our Building Department.

Foundation works
Brick and Concrete structure works
Paving- installation
Plastering, floors & screaming
Roofing and treatment
Bulk earth works & plant hire
Services, repair and maintenance of Air Conditions ( Installation of New A/C)

Some of Our Building Works

Fixing Concrete wall on the gantry BC15 - Tanzania Portland Cement (TPC PLC)
Proposed Construction And Building Of Mbwewe Filling Station – Chalinze/Costal Region
Construction of Mbwewe Filling station: Client Aisha Iddi Mtaula - Coast region
Fixing Concrete Wall On The Gantry Bc15 – Tanzania Portland Cement (TPC PLC)
Mines Department minor repair on operating areas – TPC PLC

See Us Working

building works 1 Fixing Concrete wall on the gantry BC15 - Tanzania Portland Cement (TPC PLC)
mbwewe filling building
mbwewe filling building
Proposed Construction And Building Of Mbwewe Filling Station – Chalinze/Costal Region